PMDF Installation Guide
Linux Edition

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Finally, Example 7-1 shows the checklist file that the configuration utility will generate, describing additional steps to complete your configuration.

Example 7-1 Example Checklist File for PMDF-LAN Configuration: cc:Mail and WordPerfect Office

# cat pmdf/table/webconfig.checklist
(1) You have configured PMDF-LAN separately from the MTA. 
    Therefore you have to verify that the MTA configuration file 
    "/pmdf/table/pmdf.cnf" includes the rewrite-rules and channel 
    definitions for PMDF-LAN: 
    "/pmdf/table/lan.rules" and "/pmdf/table/lan.chans". 
(2) There is a shell script file called /pmdf/bin/pc_post 
    which will do the PC polling.  You need to submit this shell script 
    file to cron as instructed by the comments in that file. 
For cc:Mail, 
(3) Create the post office "PMDF" in cc:Mail.  This is 
    done by simply entering its name into the Mail directory with P for 
    its location. 
(4) Make sure the directory containing the files /usr/ccmail/ccmail.exp 
    /usr/ccmail/ccmail.imp, /usr/ccmail/ccmail.und is created and writeable 
    by both PMDF and the PC side. 
(5) Copy /pmdf/other/dos/delay.exe to a directory where the PC can see it. 
    This program can be used to introduce delays between running the 
    import/export utilities. 
(6) You need to set up a batch job on a PC to run IMPORT/EXPORT 
    programs with the following basic (example) commands: 
m:\ccadmin\import file/hex <CCMAILPO> <admin_password> m:\ccdata 
m:\ccadmin\export file/hex format/fan PMDF <admin_password> m:\ccdata 
delay 5min 
goto loop 
    The above example assumes M: to be the drive where your ccmail files are 
    and that you are using the default names ccmail.imp, ccmail.exp and 
    ccmail.und for importing and exporting. <admin_password> is 
    the administrator password to cc:Mail.  <CCMAILPO> is assumed to be 
    the name of your cc:Mail post office; you need to substitute your actual 
    cc:Mail postoffice name where <CCMAILPO> is shown.  Please see the cc:Mail 
    import/export manual for more details on the format of the command. 
(7) For proper handling of attachments, you should consider enabling 
    mappings such as those demonstrated in the sample file 
    /pmdf/table/cc_mappings.sample.  To enable these mappings, cut and 
    paste the contents of the sample file into the /pmdf/table/mappings file. 
For WordPerfect Office 
(8) Make sure PMDF is defined as a gateway in WordPerfect Office, 
    with the WPO domain of example and post office of pmdf 
(9) Make sure the gateway subdirectories in WordPerfect Office 
    are created, i.e. the ATT_IN, API_IN, ATT_OUT and API_OUT directories 
    should be created as viewed from PMDF: 
    /usr/wpgate/api40/att_in/ and 
    /usr/wpgate/api40/api_in/ respectively. 
(10) Make sure you run the WordPerfect Office's Connectivity 
    Server on a PC, which will import/export the messages. 
(11) For proper handling of attachments, you should consider enabling 
    mappings such as those demonstrated in the sample file 
    /pmdf/table/wpo_mappings.sample.  To enable these mappings, cut and 
    paste the contents of the sample file into the /pmdf/table/mappings file. 
For eight bit character set handling 
(12) Add a CHARSET-CONVERSION mapping table to your 
    mappings file to convert between the eight bit 
    character sets in use at your site and those commonly used 
    on the Internet.  For example, 
    ! Convert character sets cc_* <-> l, and cc_* <-> tcp_* 
  IN-CHAN=cc_*;OUT-CHAN=l;CONVERT       Yes 
  IN-CHAN=cc_*;OUT-CHAN=tcp_*;CONVERT   Yes 
  IN-CHAN=l;OUT-CHAN=cc_*;CONVERT       Yes 
  IN-CHAN=tcp_*;OUT-CHAN=cc_*;CONVERT   Yes 
  IN-CHAN=cc_*;OUT-CHAN=l;IN-CHARSET=ibm850  OUT-CHARSET=iso-8859-1 
  IN-CHAN=cc_*;OUT-CHAN=tcp_*;IN-CHARSET=ibm850  OUT-CHARSET=iso-8859-1 
  IN-CHAN=l;OUT-CHAN=cc_*;IN-CHARSET=iso-8859-1  OUT-CHARSET=ibm850 
  IN-CHAN=tcp_*;OUT-CHAN=cc_*;IN-CHARSET=iso-8859-1  OUT-CHARSET=ibm850 

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