PMDF Programmer's Reference Manual

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Parse a line of comma separated addresses.


status = PMDF_address_parse_list

(addr_context, count, line)

argument information

Argument Data type Access Mechanism
addr_context context pointer read/write reference
count integer write reference
line descriptor read reference


status = PMDFaddressParseList

(addr_context, count, line, line_len)

argument information

int PMDFaddressParseList(PMDF_addr **addr_context, 
                         int        *count, 
                         char       *line, 
                         int         line_len) 



Address context created for the parsed address line.


The number of addresses parsed.


Character string containing the list of comma separated, RFC 822 addresses to be parsed.


Length in bytes of the string of addresses to parse.


PMDFaddressParseList can be used to parse a line of one or more comma separated RFC 822 addresses. The input line can be of arbitrary length. The result of the parse is represented by an address context, addr_context, and a count of parsed addresses, count. Each parsed address can then be individually extracted from the parsed line with a call to PMDFaddressGet or PMDFaddressGetProperty . The address context should be disposed of with a call to PMDFaddressDispose . When there are no valid addresses in the input line, the returned context will be zero (nil) and the count zero.

Return Values

PMDF__OK Normal, successful completion.
PMDF__INVSTRDES Invalid string descriptor for line: descriptor has an invalid value in its DSC$B_CLASS field. No result returned.

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