PMDF Programmer's Reference Manual

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Extract a property of an address from a list of parsed addresses.


status = PMDF_address_get_property

(addr_context, index, property, result, result_len)

argument information

Argument Data type Access Mechanism
addr_context context pointer read value
index integer read value
property integer read value
result descriptor read/write reference
result_len unsigned word write reference


status = PMDFaddressGetProperty

(addr_context, index, property, result, result_len)

argument information

int PMDFaddressGetProperty(PMDF_addr *addr_context, 
                           int        index, 
                           int        property, 
                           char      *result, 
                           int       *result_len) 



Address context generated by a previous call to PMDFaddressParseList .


Index of the address to obtain the property for.


The address property to return.


String to receive the address property. Must be at least ALFA_SIZE bytes in length for PMDF_address_get_property and ALFA_SIZE+1 bytes for PMDFaddressGetProperty .


Length in bytes of the returned property. Callers using PMDFaddressGetProperty must, on input, supply the maximum length in bytes of result.


After parsing a line of addresses with PMDFaddressParseList , properties of individual addresses can be retrieved with PMDFaddressGetProperty .The index argument can range from 1 to count where count is the count of parsed addresses returned by PMDFaddressParseList . The first address corresponds to an index value of 1. The accepted values for property are listed and described in the table below. Note that unlike PMDFgetAddressProperty , PMDFaddressGetProperty does not accept the PMDF_PROP_FRIENDLY property.

Table 1-3 Properties of the Address phrase <@otherhost:user@host>
Symbolic name Value Description
PMDF_PROP_ADDRESS 1 Address part, @ otherhost: user@ host , of the address
PMDF_PROP_DOMAIN 2 Domain part, host , of the address
PMDF_PROP_LOCAL 4 Local part, user , of the address
PMDF_PROP_PHRASE 5 Phrase part, phrase , of the address, if any
PMDF_PROP_PROPER 6 Full address including any phrases and comments
PMDF_PROP_ROUTE 7 Source route part, @ otherhost: , of the address, if any

Return Values

PMDF__OK Normal, successful completion.
PMDF__BAD Bad parameter supplied: invalid value for property. No result returned.
PMDF__FATERRLIB Call to LIB$SCOPY_R_DX failed owing to a fatal internal error in the OpenVMS Run Time Library. No result returned.
PMDF__INSVIRMEM Insufficient virtual memory: call to LIB$GET_VM made by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX has failed. No result returned.
PMDF__INVSTRDES Invalid string descriptor for result: descriptor has an invalid value in its DSC$B_CLASS field. No result returned.
PMDF__NO Value for index is out of range. No result returned.
PMDF__STRTRU Supplied string was too long; result truncated to fit.

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