PMDF Programmer's Reference Manual

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2.5.3 Multiple Recipients, FAX Addresses, and Per Address Status Messages

The programs given in Examples 2-8 and 2-9 demonstrate three concepts:

  1. sending a message to multiple recipients;
  2. constructing FAX addresses; and
  3. obtaining the status (legal, illegal) of each To:, Cc:, and Bcc: address.
The message is sent to three To: addresses, one of which is a FAX address, a Cc: address, and a FAX Bcc: address. After PMDF_send is called, any status message associated with each address is displayed. This information is only displayed if PMD_send either returned a successful status code or a PMDF__HOST error. In any other case, the status messages can not have been set. The terminal output produced by running the programs is shown in Example 2-10.

The following items of note are identified with callouts in each of the two programs:

  1. The status of the regular (i.e., non FAX) addresses will be output in the same strings used to input the addresses.
  2. The status of the FAX addresses will be stored in a string specified with the PMDF_FAX_TO () or PMDF_FAX_BCC () item codes.
  3. Instruct PMDF_send to return a status message for each To:, Cc:, and Bcc: address.
  4. Specify some To: and Cc: addresses.
  5. Begin a FAX To: address. Any status message for this address will be returned in the fax_adr_1 string.
  6. Begin a FAX Cc: address. Any status message for this address will be returned in the fax_adr_2 string.
  7. Attempt to send the message.
  8. Display any returned status messages. (See Example 2-10.)

Example 2-8 Multiple Addresses (Pascal)

(* send_example5.pas -- Send a message to multiple recipients, 
                        including FAX recipients *) 
[inherit ('pmdf_exe:apidef')] program send_example5 (output); 
  type string = varying [ALFA_SIZE] of char; 
    item_index : integer := 0; i, stat : integer; 
    item_list  : array [1..19] of PMDF_item_list; 
    msgfile    : string := 'sys$'; 
    subject    : string := 'PMDF callable SEND example: sending a FAX'; 
    to_adr_1   : [static] string := 'system'; (1)
    to_adr_2   : [static] string := ''; (1)
    cc_adr_1   : [static] string := ''; (1)
    (* First FAX address *) 
    fn_1       : string := '1-714-555-5319';                   (* REQUIRED *) 
    domain_1   : string := '';             (* REQUIRED *) 
    at_1       : string := 'Mrochek Freed'; 
    o_1        : string := 'Example Software, LLC'; 
    ou1_1      : string := '9 Main Street'; 
    ou2_1      : string := 'Springfield, USA'; 
    tn_1       : string := '(508) 555-1111'; 
    fax_adr_1  : [static] string; (2)
    (* Second FAX address *) 
    fn_2       : string := '1-800-555-1212';                   (* REQUIRED *) 
    domain_2   : string := '';             (* REQUIRED *) 
    at_2       : string := '800 Directory Assistance'; 
    fax_adr_2  : [static] string; (2)
function SYS$EXIT (%immed status   : integer := %immed 1)   : integer; extern; 
(* Push an option oriented entry onto the item list *) 
procedure push_opt (code : integer); 
  begin (* push_opt *) 
    item_index := succ (item_index); 
    with item_list[item_index] do begin 
      item_code    := code; 
      item_address := nil; 
      item_length  := 0; 
    end; (* with *) 
  end; (* push_opt *) 
(* Push an string oriented entry onto the item list *) 
procedure push_str (code : integer; var str : varying [len] of char); 
  begin (* push_str *) 
    item_index := succ (item_index); 
    with item_list[item_index] do begin 
      item_code    := code; 
      item_address := (iaddress (str.body))::$stringptr;  
      item_length  := str.length; 
    end; (* with *)  
  end; (* push_str *) 
begin (* send_example5 *) 
  (* Specify the Subject: header line and message input source *) 
  push_str (PMDF_SUBJECT,        subject); 
  push_str (PMDF_MSG_FILE,       msgfile); 
  (*  Return per address status/error messages *) 
  push_opt (PMDF_ADDRESS_STATUS); (3)
  (* Specify regular To: and Cc: addresses *) 
  push_str (PMDF_TO,             to_adr_1); (4)
  push_str (PMDF_TO,             to_adr_2); (4)
  push_str (PMDF_CC,             cc_adr_1); (4)
  (* Specify the first FAX address *) 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_TO,         fax_adr_1); (5)
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_DOMAIN,     domain_1); 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_FN,         fn_1); 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_AT,         at_1); 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_O,          o_1); 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_OU,         ou1_1); 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_OU,         ou2_1); 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_TN,         tn_1); 
  (* Specify the second FAX address *) 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_BCC,        fax_adr_2); (6)
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_DOMAIN,     domain_2); 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_FN,         fn_2); 
  push_str (PMDF_FAX_AT,         at_2); 
  (* Now terminate the item list *) 
  push_opt (PMDF_END_LIST); 
  (* And send the message *) 
  stat := PMDF_send ((iaddress (item_list))::PMDF_item_list_ptr); (7)
  (* Display the address status messages provided that no error 
     other than PMDF__HOST has occurred. *) 
  if odd (stat) or (stat = PMDF__HOST) then for i := 1 to item_index do (8)
  with item_list[i] do case item_code of 
    PMDF_TO,     PMDF_CC,     PMDF_BCC, 
        writeln (substr (item_address^, 1, abs (item_length))); 
    otherwise begin end; 
  end; (* case, with, for, if *) 
  (* Now exit *) 
  SYS$EXIT (stat); 
end. (* send_example5 *) 

Example 2-9 Multiple Addresses (C)

/* send_example6.c -- Send a message to multiple recipients, 
                      including FAX recipients */ 
#include <stdio.h> 
#ifdef __VMS 
#include "pmdf_com:apidef.h" 
#include "/pmdf/include/apidef.h" 
/* Push an entry onto the item list */ 
#define ITEM(item,adr,len) item_list[item_index].item_code    = (item);        \
                           item_list[item_index].item_address = (char *)(adr); \
                           item_list[item_index].item_length  = (len);         \
main () 
        int item_index = 0, stat; 
        PMDF_item_list item_list[19]; 
        char *subject  = "PMDF callable SEND example: sending a FAX"; 
        char to_adr_2[ALFA_SIZE+1] = ""; (1)
        char cc_adr_1[ALFA_SIZE+1] = ""; (1)
#ifdef __VMS 
        char *msgfile = "sys$"; 
        char to_adr_1[ALFA_SIZE+1] = "system"; 
        char *msgfile = "~/.login"; 
        char to_adr_1[ALFA_SIZE+1] = "root"; 
        /* First FAX address */ 
        char *fn_1     = "1-714-555-5319";                   /* REQUIRED */ 
        char *domain_1 = "";             /* REQUIRED */ 
        char *at_1     = "Mrochek Freed"; 
        char *o_1      = "Example Software, LLC"; 
        char *ou1_1    = "9 Main Street"; 
        char *ou2_1    = "Springfield, USA"; 
        char *tn_1     = "(508) 555-1111"; 
        char fax_adr_1[ALFA_SIZE+1]; (2)
        /* Second FAX address */ 
        char *fn_2     = "1-800-555-1212";                    /* REQUIRED */ 
        char *domain_2 = "";       /* REQUIRED */ 
        char *at_2     = "800 Directory Assistance"; 
        char fax_adr_2[ALFA_SIZE+1]; (2)
        /* Specify the Subject: header line and message input source */ 
        ITEM (PMDF_SUBJECT,    subject,       strlen (subject)); 
        ITEM (PMDF_MSG_FILE,   msgfile,       strlen (msgfile)); 
        /* Return per address status/error messages */ 
        ITEM (PMDF_ADDRESS_STATUS, 0,         0); (3)
        /* Specify regular To: and Cc: addresses */ 
        ITEM (PMDF_TO,             to_adr_1,  strlen (to_adr_1)); (4)
        ITEM (PMDF_TO,             to_adr_2,  strlen (to_adr_2)); (4)
        ITEM (PMDF_CC,             cc_adr_1,  strlen (cc_adr_1)); (4)
        /* Specify the first FAX address */ 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_TO,         fax_adr_1, 0); (5)
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_DOMAIN,     domain_1,  strlen (domain_1)); 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_FN,         fn_1,      strlen (fn_1)); 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_AT,         at_1,      strlen (at_1)); 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_O,          o_1,       strlen (o_1)); 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_OU,         ou1_1,     strlen (ou1_1)); 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_OU,         ou2_1,     strlen (ou2_1)); 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_TN,         tn_1,      strlen (tn_1)); 
        /* Specify the second FAX address */ 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_BCC,        fax_adr_2, 0); (6)
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_DOMAIN,     domain_2,  strlen (domain_2)); 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_FN,         fn_2,      strlen (fn_2)); 
        ITEM (PMDF_FAX_AT,         at_2,      strlen (at_2)); 
        /* Now terminate the item list */ 
        ITEM (PMDF_END_LIST,       0,         0); 
        /* And send the message */ 
        stat = PMDF_send (&item_list); (7)
        /* Display the address status messages provided that no error 
           other than PMDF__HOST has occurred. */ 
        if ((1 & stat) || stat == PMDF__HOST) { (8)
          int i, j; 
          for (i = 0; i < item_index; i ++) { 
            switch (item_list[i].item_code) { 
              case PMDF_TO     : case PMDF_CC     : case PMDF_BCC     : 
              case PMDF_FAX_TO : case PMDF_FAX_CC : case PMDF_FAX_BCC : 
              case PMDF_PRT_TO : case PMDF_PRT_CC : case PMDF_PRT_BCC : 
                j = abs (item_list[i].item_length); 
                item_list[i].item_address[j] = '\0'; 
                printf ("%s\n", item_list[i].item_address); 
              default : break; 
        exit (stat); 

Example 2-10 Address Status Messages Produced by Examples 2-8 and 2-9

address okay: system 
address okay: 
address okay: 
address okay: "/FN=1-714-555-5319/AT=John Jones/O=Example Software, LLC 
./OU=9 Main Street/OU=Springfield, USA/TN=(508) 555-1111/" 
address okay: "/FN=1-800-555-1212/AT=800 Directory Assistance/" 

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