PMDF popstore & MessageStore Manager's Guide

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Format PMDF channel counter information.


int POPSTORE_format_counters (format, channel, channel_len, 
                              context, output_proc) 
      POPSTORE_format_element  *format; 
      char                     *channel; 
      int                       channel_len; 
      void                     *context; 
      int                     (*output_proc)(); 



Pointer to a formatting context returned by a previous call to POPSTORE_format_read . Used for input only.


Name of the channel to display information for. This name can contain wild card characters. Used for input only.


Length in bytes of the string passed in channel . Used for input only.


Pointer to private client data to be passed to the client-supplied output_proc procedure. Used for input only.


Address of a client-supplied subroutine to call to output formatted data. Used for input only.


PMDF channel counter information can be formatted with POPSTORE_format_counters . The channel name is case insensitive and can contain wild card characters. To format information for all channels, either specify asterisk, "*", for the channel name or pass a null for channel and the value 0 for channel_len . The formatting context should be derived from a formatting file using substitution strings from Tables 4-10 and 4-20. Formatted data is passed to the output procedure output_proc . That procedure takes the form

int output_proc (context, data, data_len, is_eol, is_literal) 
      void *context; 
      char *data; 
      int   data_len; 
      int   is_eol; 
      int   is_literal; 
where the arguments to output_proc are as follows:
context Pointer to the private client data supplied as input to POPSTORE_format_counters.
data Formatted data to output. This string can not be null terminated.
data_len Length in bytes of the data pointed at by data.
is_eol When is_eol has a non-zero value, the output_proc procedure can want to output an end-of-line after this batch of formatted data.
is_literal When is_literal has a non-zero value, the output_proc procedure should not apply any quoting to the formatted data. The formatted data is literal data which was contained within the formatting file.
Upon successful completion, output_proc should return the value POPSTORE_SUCCESS . In the event of an error, some value other than POPSTORE_SUCCESS should be returned. A user-requested abort can be signified by returning POPSTORE_ABORT .

Return Values

POPSTORE_SUCCESS Normal, successful completion.
POPSTORE_BADARG Bad value passed for the address of the output procedure, output_proc.
  Any error value returned by the output procedure, output_proc.

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