PMDF popstore & MessageStore Manager's Guide

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5.1 Using the User Interface

Before attempting to use the web-based user interface, you must first configure the PMDF Dispatcher and HTTP server. This is accomplished by running the Dispatcher configuration utility as described in the PMDF Installation Guide. If you have not configured the Dispatcher, do so now.

In order to use the user interface, you will need a web client which supports HTML tables. The user CGIs are accessed via the URLs


The first URL accesses the user information CGI and the second the password changing CGI.

In place of host above, use the actual IP host name of the system running the PMDF HTTP server. If you chose to run the PMDF HTTP server on a port other than port 7633, then specify that port number in place of 7633 in the above URL.

If you are met with an "Access Forbidden" message when you attempt to access the above URL, then you need to check:

  1. that you have configured the PMDF Dispatcher and HTTP server;
  2. that you have an HTTP_ACCESS mapping table in your PMDF mapping file;
  3. that if you created or changed the HTTP_ACCESS mapping table that you have recompiled your configuration if using a compiled configuration; and,
  4. that you have started the PMDF Dispatcher and that it is running.
Note further that if you change the HTTP_ACCESS mapping table, then you will need to restart the HTTP server in order for those changes to take effect.

When a user attempts to access either URL, their web client will prompt them for their popstore/MessageStore account name and password. The user must supply the correct name and password of a popstore or MessageStore account. 1

Note that the password change page can be used by system managers to change a password on behalf of a user, as well as used by users to change their own passwords. When users are changing their own passwords, the user must specify their own username and existing password when prompted. System managers must specify the username and password of either the pmdf account, or the system account (root on Unix, SYSTEM on OpenVMS, or Administrator on Windows).


1 Presently, the popstore/MessageStore CGIs use the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme. This is currently the only standardized HTTP authentication scheme. Unfortunately, with this authentication scheme, the account name and plain text password are transmitted in the clear from the client to the server.

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