PMDF popstore & MessageStore Manager's Guide

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4.1.1 Restricting Access

Would-be managers of the popstore must be able to supply the correct name and password for a popstore account which has management privileges. You can impose further restrictions through the use of an HTTP_ACCESS mapping table. For instance, you can deny access to the management interface from all but a few IP addresses. See the description of the HTTP_ACCESS mapping table in the PMDF System Manager's Guide for directions on how to use the HTTP_ACCESS mapping table.

The web management interface only allows managers to access and manage accounts contained within their own management group as described in Section 1.3.4. Moreover, only a manager with management privileges for the world group can create new management groups or modify the structure of existing groups.

4.1.2 Location of the Management Interface

The GIF, HTML, and formatting files which comprise the web-based management interface are located in the /pmdf/www/popstore/ directory tree on UNIX and NT systems and PMDF_ROOT:[WWW.POPSTORE] directory on OpenVMS systems. Sites wanting to customize the interface or develop their own interface can use these files as a starting point. However, do not make changes to the supplied files themselves: any changes will be lost when you upgrade PMDF. Instead, make copies of the files and access them via the appropriate URL; e.g.,

Details on developing your own formatting files are given in Section 4.3.

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