PMDF User's Guide
UNIX Edition

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1.1 Sending Mail with mail, mailx, Pine, etc.

You should continue to use your regular mail , mailx , mailtool , pine , etc., mail user agent just as you always have in the past. These tools will invoke PMDF automatically as appropriate when sending mail.

1.1.1 Forwarding Mail and Delivery Mechanisms

You can have all of your mail automatically forwarded to a different mail address (or various other processing performed) by means of a .forward file; see Section 2.1 for an additional discussion.

Some similar functionality to forwarding is also available via the PMDF profile database; see Section 2.2.

1.1.2 Sending and Receiving Binary Files

A MIME-aware user agent such as pine can automatically send and receive binary attachments. However, if your mail user agent does not provide particularly useful facilities for sending binary data, then you may want to use the pmdf send shell utility to send such data. This utility can send multipart messages, and automatically encode, if necessary, binary attachment parts.

The pmdf encode and pmdf decode utilities can also be useful when you need to handle binary data with a mail user agent that does not have built in facilities for doing so.

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