PMDF User's Guide
UNIX Edition

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Chapter 4
Password Change Utility

If your system administrators have chosen to enable it, PMDF provides a web-based interface through which you can change the password on your account. This applies to all accounts, whether they are native message store (Berkeley mailbox) accounts, or popstore accounts, or MessageStore accounts, or if your username and password is located elsewhere for example in the PMDF password database.

To use the web-based password change utility, you must have a web client and TCP/IP access to the PMDF system. To connect to the interface with your web browser, you normally open the URL:


In place of host, use the actual IP host name of the system running PMDF. Your system administrator may have chosen to configure the web interface port to be a port other than 7633; if so, then you need to specify that other port number in place of 7633 in the above URL. Check with your system administrator if you are not sure of the exact URL to use.

Once connected to the web page, you must fill in your username and the string that you want to change your password to. Make sure that you type the new password in twice, correctly, for verification. When you click on the "Change Password" button, your web browser will prompt you to enter your username and existing password. Type these in to authenticate yourself. PMDF will then modify your password as requested.

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